Monday, September 16, 2024
Talenth Websites
You will find that Talenth has many venues for connecting with your hobby and like minded people.

Cerebral Diversions

The main content website, forum and live streaming.

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Beyond Reality

The hobby blog and online gaming venue.

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Hobby News Magazine

The magazine with all the current hobby related news.

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Cerebral Diversions is a website project that is the brainchild of a couple of hobby store owners from a Chicago suburb. In 1996 we started a hobby and game store which became a popular stomping ground for hobbyists and geeks from a wide surrounding area. This shop catered to technology wizs, gamers of all types, modelers, painters, etc. But it was a small selection of the population. We wanted to reach out to as many hobbyists as we could, so we decided a website would be ideal. Before we could get the ball rolling, a partner passed away unexpectedly and the plan got shelved.

So it is now time to resurrect this idea. We have received help from many novices and experts in the field of web marketing, but the idea of advertisers and random popups was not our direction.

We are building a membership website that caters to all hobbies, whether they collect rare American coins or race RC Formula One cars or snap photos of breath taking sunsets. We will encourage all hobbyists ranging beginners to experts to share their ideas, pitfalls and triumphs. The website will be presented as a number of different hobby magazines that will have changing articles on a monthly basis. As each magazine is opened, there will be informational content, instructional videos, featured hobbyist stories, surveys, polls and contests. Every article will be saved in an archive with a simple search tool to locate favorites. As we grow we will add webinars, podcasts and live on site feeds to conventions and hobby events. There will be a forum, chat groups and email across the hobby community. We have started in the Arts section, reviews of popular movies, books, television and music, with forum opportunities for members to voice their opinions. We have over 100 stories from hobbyists telling their story by creative writing, through the format of Q&A or by video creations.

I have worked as a chef for most of my life and understand that customer service and catering to their needs is what keeps them coming back. To compete you must know your customers, in this case my members, and cater to their needs, wants and desires. Hobbyists like to know there is a community they can reach out to. They need to know they are not alone. Although many get used to fiddling around by themselves, they would prefer to share. They also want to get help, direction and motivation. A woman who has been quilting all her life may want to hear the story from another quilter who added a different yarn craft to her hobbies and enjoys switching it up now and then. And most hobbyists desire to be recognized for their craft and projects. It thrills them to “show off” modestly what they have accomplished. It is amazing how many hobbyists have been part of news worthy accomplishments. Assisting in CSI work, discovering a rare coin or stamp that completes a historical story, having their artwork displayed at a gallery. It is all of these needs, wants and desires that Talenth and the family of websites will cater to.